About Me

About Jirka Svoboda

I'm very glad that you have come to my website. My name is Jiří, but since you can't pronounce the special Czech thingy "ř" anyway, I make it easier for you  - just call me Jirka (that's what we use in Czech anyway).

I'm an ordinary guy with an extraordinary life who likes to keep things in motion. I've had only two enememies in my life - Stereotype and Boredom. I'm a passionate traveler and music lover (you will hardly ever see me without earphones on). I'm a creative and enterprising person with common sense, I like to educate myself, get to know new things, and come up with new ideas. I am always open to and interested in new thoughts, ideas, projects that bring an added value and make the world better, so don't hesitate to get in touch with me!


I’m a creative and entreprising guy, and I like to support and help to make realize interesting ideas. I believe that even with tiny things we can a bit contribute to make the world better, and people happier. I’ve been following my dream to become place- and time independent (and finally also financially) to be able to travel the world. I like to use the English language, and help people improve their level. I’ve been engaged in online marketing for a couple of years now, educating and helping e-commerce projects start and/or grow. I’m working on a few other projects, now mainly in the travel industry and tourism. For people who want to improve their financial literacy and learn how to plan and achieve their financial goals, I plan to make an overview based on my personaly knowledge and experience I want to share.

More about me

Something about my studies

I originally come from Ostrava, a city located in the very east of the country, a city that usually nobody knows much about. I studied there at the Faculty of Economics, the field Economics and Law in Business. I studied in Ostrava for 4 years, whereas in my last – fifth – grade I decided to go study through the Erasmus echange program to Ghent, Belgium, at the Hoheschool Gent. And I keep on saying that since then, but that was the moment which has singnificantly changed my life. So far, I haven’t been in any bigger life breaking point since.

After coming back to my home town, I finished the studies graduating and obtaining a Master Degree. Right after that, the first life question arose? Where do I go from here?


Keep on trying and searching

I envy the people who know from their youth what they would like to do, who they would like to become in their life. I never knew it. I didn’t even dream about becoming a dustman like many kids do. Because I didn’t know it, I went to a grammar school to think about it in the meantime. Yet, after obtainining the school leaving exam I still didn’t know, thus decided to continue my studies at the University (I wouldn’t have done it again).

During my last years at the university, I was lucky to gain my first working experience from a bigger company. In my free time I worked at an accounting department. Posting invoices. And posting invoices. And sometimes also posting invoices. My first experience working in a company was very awakeing. Since then I kept asking myself, is this what having an office job is about? Is this what I’m supposed to do for other 45 years? I know some people may find a monotonous kind of an office job nice, but I knew this would never work for me.


Another try in Budapest, Hungary

After I came back from Belgium and finished my studies at the university, the same question returned. I should have already known what path to choose in my life by then, but I didn’t. And I didn’t know that untill I found a way to combine things I like in order to be time- and place independent.

I found a job position for a Czech speaker in Budapest, Hungary, in a very well know company called IBM. Wow, I got so excited. Having such experience in my CV, that’s something. However, as much as I apreciate such experience, and as much as I enjoyed my time in Budapest, the most vaualbe experience for me was the realizitation of the fact that sitting in the office and doing a meaningless job for company whre you are such a number wasn’t the way to my happiness.


The journey is the goal…

I just turned 30 and realized a lot of things. But the most important one was that I realized that I wasn’t going the path I would like to go down in my life. Dreams are what drives me forward, and I find not having any dreams quite sad. But I finally realized that you can only achieve them if your journey becomes the goal.

Thus, I have fully set out for a freelancing path. And as an icing on the pie, most of my work is done online, which allows me travel around the world with my music on.

I will be happy to give you my helping hand in any of the fields I’m knowledgeable about.